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Alltagsmenschen Tischinstallation Marktredwitz 2024

"A life being lived is the most human form of beauty"

The Alltagsmenschen

by Christel Lechner and Laura Lechner

The Artists
Christel and Laura Lechner

Two strong women stand behind the art of the Alltagsmenschen: Laura and Christel Lechner. The two artists are not only mother and daughter, but they also work and live together in the idyllic Lechnerhof Atelier near Witten.


The lives of the Lechner family have always been defined by art. Since 1996 Christel Lechner and her team have been creating ever new groups of sculptures and installations that keep surprising observers and make them stop and pause for a moment.


Starting in 2004, Laura Lechner - graduated master student of the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf - collaboratively supports Christel Lechner in her work. Since years mother and daughter form a unique symbiosis with their different artistic
backgrounds complementing one another.

Christel Lechner's artistic career started in 1978 at the Keramikschule (School of Ceramics) in Landshut and the Werkkunstschule (School of Applied Art) in Münster. In 1982 she obtained the title of master ceramicist. Since 1996 Christel Lechner has devoted herself almost entirely to her lifesize concrete sculptures – the Alltagsmenschen.

In 2001 Laura Lechner qualified as an architectural ceramicist. Parallel to her work as a sculptress, she started painting in 2002. Laura Lechner's art studies took her to the Hochschule für bildende Kunst (university of art and design) in Saarbrücken and the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf where she studied under Peter Doig. She completed her studies there in 2010 and became a master student. Since 2004 she has been supporting Christel Lechner with her work on the Alltagsmenschen. Laura Lechner has been in charge of Atelier Lechnerhof since 2017.

Die Künstlerinnen
- Christel Lechner -

Die Alltagsmenschen wurden ursprünglich von Christel Lechner geschaffen und über viele Jahre gemeinsam mit ihrer Tochter weiterentwickelt. Von Anfang an war Laura Lechner an der Seite ihrer Mutter. Sie ist mit den Skulpturen aufgewachsen, hat den Entstehungsprozess miterlebt und früh eigene Impulse und Ideen eingebracht. Heute führt Laura Lechner das Werk ihrer Mutter in ihrem eigenen künstlerischen Stil fort und prägt die Alltagsmenschen mit ihrer ganz eigenen Handschrift weiter.

Christel Lechners künstlerischer Werdegang begann 1978 an der Keramikschule Landshut und der Werkkunstschule Münster. 1982 erlangte Sie den Meistertitel als Keramikerin. Ab 1996 hat Christel Lechner fast ausschließlich an den lebensgroßen Betonskulpturen, den Alltagsmenschen, gearbeitet.

Atelier Lechnerhof

Working with
the Alltagsmenschen

While Laura Lechner developes pictures of the sculpture groups, Christel Lechner prepares preliminary studies and creates the first draft models.  Whereas the first sculptures still seemed relatively static, the Alltagsmenschen are now characterised by a remarkable liveliness that not only results from obvious body movement.

Based on those concepts Laura and Christel Lechner guide their small team through the various stages of the production process. The team is familiar with all steps, although each person has their own area of expertise.

Putzfrauen Alltagsmenschen Christel & Laura Lechner

The Alltagsmenschen


​The Alltagsmenschen do not aspire to beauty ideals. They wear swimming costumes or shorts, checked shirts and baseball caps; they're completely buttoned up or very casually attired. They show their wrinkles and bulges with something approaching pride. And above all they are at peace with themselves.

The Alltagsmenschen are mindful of the moment: at work, in a moment of idleness or completely relaxed. In chance encounters or smiling contentedly.

Alltagsmenschen Wiedenbrück der Lesende
Alltagsmenschen Entstehung Betonfiguren Atelier Lechnerhof

Atelier Lechnerhof


​The focus of Christel and Laura Lechner's lives and work is their studio: The Atelier Lechnerhof situated in picturesque green countryside near the town of Witten in Germany.


It is here that their ideas start with the first sketches and develop step by step into fully mature sculptures - "The Alltagsmenschen".

Exhibitions, Flyer and News

They stand in public spaces, pedestrian zones and parks, sit on benches or on the promenade, lie on lawns, seem to be busy with shopping or stop for a little chat: the Alltagsmenschen enliven public spaces. And they always cause a stir: The Alltagsmenschen from the Atelier Lechnerhof have long since gained a following throughout Europe and up to 150,000 visitors regularly come to see them.



March - July


This year, for the first time, the Alltagsmenschen will visit the city where the Rhine and Moselle flow together.



April – October

For the 1,000th anniversary of the city, the Alltagsmenschen visit the castle community Nordkirchen.

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March - October


The town of Wenningstedt on Sylt has almost become a second home for The Alltagsmenschen.

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March – September


An annual exhibition in Wiedenbrück. Every year The Alltagsmenschen appear in a new formation - unfolding an effect and dynamism of their

Rückblick Alltagsmenschen Ausstellungen

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March - July


This year, for the first time, the Alltagsmenschen will visit the city where the Rhine and Moselle flow together.



April – October

For the 1,000th anniversary of the city, the Alltagsmenschen visit the castle community Nordkirchen.

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Bad RagARTz

May - October


In 2021 it is our delight to be again part of the art exhibition in Bad Ragaz - the 8th Bad RagARTz.

Alltagsmenschen Valkenburg 2024 - Familiencouch (6).jpg


August - October


Two new, exciting exhibitions in Switzerland: In summer 2021 you will find The Alltagsmenschen at the Biennale in Montreux and Ailyos.



March - July


This year, for the first time, the Alltagsmenschen will visit the city where the Rhine and Moselle flow together.

Alltagsmenschen Rees 2023 | 3 Grazien auf dem Floß | Betonfiguren


April – October

For the 1,000th anniversary of the city, the Alltagsmenschen visit the castle community Nordkirchen.



March - July


This year, for the first time, the Alltagsmenschen will visit the city where the Rhine and Moselle flow together.



April – October

For the 1,000th anniversary of the city, the Alltagsmenschen visit the castle community Nordkirchen.

Anker Start

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On our social channels you will find current insights about The Alltagsmenschen, the artists Christel Lechner and Laura Lechner and the Lechnerhof. Visit us on Facebook and give us a like, so that you don't miss any news! We look forward to your comments, pictures and your very own #AlltagsmenschenMomente!

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